August 2020 Newsletter

Posted in newsletter on August 17, 2020 by Gene Liverman ‐ 3 min read

August 2020 Newsletter

Roundtable is this Thursday, Aug. 20th @ 7pm via Zoom. See the details below and then join us Thursday!

Happy August everyone! This month’s newsletter includes an upcoming opportunity for earning the Rifle Shooting Merit Badge, notes on our most recent District Committee meeting, details on this week’s upcoming Roundtable, and an inspiring post about a troop who built a museum in their meeting space.

Rifle Shooting Merit Badge

shooting days

September 12th @ Bert Adams. All equipment is provided and participants and instructors cannot bring their own guns/bows. Scouts who already possess shooting skills will be given an opportunity to complete the shooting portion of the Archery, Rifle, or Shotgun Merit Badge requirements.

Keep an eye out on for a signup opportunity.

District Committee Meeting

Your district committee met recently and these are our notes from it:

Membership/Andy Camp - dates have been set for recruiting events in each county. Douglas’s will be virtual due to their classes also being virtual. Council is working on technology issues to make facilitate these events. Carter will be emailing units to let them know dates. Sara Bush is joining the Membership Committee as a New Member Unit Coordinator.

Commissioner/David Kornegay - no report this month.

Program/Georgia is working to schedule a calendar planning meeting. The Camporee was cancelled, in part, due to the location unavailable due to COVID. We are considering scheduling some smaller events later this year when the weather cools down that can be held outside in a way that is allows for social distancing. We need ideas for Deliver the Promise and are open to suggestions.

OA - Elections are happening. Please reach out to Georgia or Wayne with any questions.

Advancement Chair, Ken “Doc” Calain resigned to and is taking a new position in Columbus. Advancement is going well: there are 4 recent Eagles. Boards of Review are being conducted. There are some questionable projects out there. We are in need Life to Eagle coaches - reach out if you are game to help.

Finance/Carter - Golden Eagle Luncheon will be virtual this year. This is an excellent opportunity for members from around the district to participate. The Finance Committee is building a team for to support this event.

Training/Drew & Kyle - Merit badge counselor training was held recently. Youth Protection Training on-time renewals continues to be an issue. There is no mercy from Council regarding renewing YPT: you will be dropped once you expire. Emails are going out to unit leaders as reminders. BUMP a friend and get them re-certified on time.

Roundtable/Kyle - Per national, permanently online. We are short key leaders in numerous positions. Next meeting will be August 20th (see details below).

District Executive/Carter - Our District Executive Jacob Johns resigned effective August 7. What does the future of Scouting in Atlanta look like? We need to think outside the box, continue to be a team. Atlanta DEs will be assisting each other depending on District needs. Indian Springs District has the highest number of recruiting nights scheduled in the entire Council. 🎉🎉🎉

Roundtable Details

Join the Zoom meeting via

  • Meeting ID: 838 9901 9392
  • Passcode: DwF1kC
  • Call in number +1-929-436-2866
  • Meeting ID: 838 9901 9392
  • Passcode: 456034

Roundtable Flyer

Pennsylvania Troop 25 Museum

Pennsylvania Troop 25 Museum

Last, but not least, Bryan on Scouting posted an article a few days ago that I found inspiring and wanted to share with the rest of you. It’s a project that’s cool enough that I think many units in this area might want to replicate it. Check it out for yourself here: Pennsylvania troop builds museum in meeting place for its Scouting memorabilia
